South Bound. But how could you know.
Christ, our western world metaphor. Our measurement of time. Ramifications of Our greatest Death. Threat? of what happens next seated at the right hand of god. d-o-g and what about carrying on Bodhisattva after 34.?
As I worked to clear the backyard ice block, homemade pond hocky rink of my two young nephews I wondered what I believe most. My nephews are beginning a long (but truly short) road of education,of life and their capable parents are trying to "give them every advantage." Their pursuit mirrors mine, private school as I question my own beginnings and how they might be either undone or capatalized on.? Don't want to miss out, it seems that such a path will open doors, but by design must close others, what is truly the right path is that which is for You. The Heisenberg Principle...
In quantum physics, the outcome of even an ideal measurement of a system is not deterministic, but instead is characterized by a probability distribution, and the larger the associated standard deviation is, the more "uncertain" we might say that that characteristic is for the system. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle, or HUP, gives a lower bound on the product of the standard deviations of position and momentum for a system, implying that it is impossible to have a particle that has an arbitrarily well-defined position and momentum simultaneously.
It seems very unlikely that with such a great hockeyed beginnings, skating at age 3, with equiptment, instruction and encouragement and study through media that it would make any sort of sense to take up basketball. Pursuit. Nurture ad Nature as one.
Choice, America.