Christ, our western world metaphor. Our measurement of time. Ramifications of Our greatest Death. Threat? of what happens next seated at the right hand of god. d-o-g and what about carrying on Bodhisattva after 34.?

Simone Ali's Mother

My photo
Iowa City soon, IA
Born Boston Irish Catholic 3rd Generation. b. 1973, Picasso died, Vietnam too for US and Silent Spring, all still, all still felt.

DUCHAMP @ the Pompidou

May 1. Workers of the Word Unite. Happy May Day.

1 comment:

Marketa Klicova said...

get out those drill bits!!!!

huge potential. like thousands of other Duchamp veins (they are purple blood-carrying). maybe mirrors can float on water? "float" I mean


oil on panel 12"x24"